Taking care of your sensitive area is at the heart of the dialogue
Every part of our body is unique.
So their needs for care are also special.
Especially the female sensitive area.
It is no coincidence that it has the characterization “sensitive”!
Every day it is attacked by many factors, internal and external, that tend to upset its balance and very often succeed it.
No special conditions are required for a disorder to occur.
We women know this.
Our lifestyle, habits, daily stress, the use of medical substances regardless of the reason for taking them and the use of unsuitable products are the most common causes that affect our particular area, making it vulnerable.
Unfortunately, under these circumstances, a “vicious circle” of situations is often formed from which it is difficult to escape.
And what is certain is that every woman has to share a corresponding experience where she was concerned about her sensitive area.
Thus, each issue of the sensitive area needs to be approached separately and at the same time holistically. With honesty and realism.
No unnecessary words, no shame, taboos and prejudices.
With empathy, knowledge and scientifically.
From woman to woman.